Of the songs we have made none satisfy or last;
We drink and drown and die in words, words, words —
See your shadow there, imprisoned in the past
Slavering for half a song, while melodies unheard
Slip through your fingers: was it then for this
Beauty withered early, died a thousand noble deaths,
Only to dissolve in one last unholy kiss?
Your lips on mine, we share a single breath
That lays waste to all it touches, save our most secret selves
We’ve buried in caverns far beneath the light
Unknown to those alike who dream or delve;
So our souls lie decaying, corruptible and bright.
Voiceless, thoughtless in the end despite our pains
We would unearth ourselves, but nothing remains.
I quite like this one, great stuff. It's very moving.
Wow! Wonderful sonnet!