This is marvelous, the music and the story. I'm not even sure what to compare it to... The switching between epistolary and first person is done well, as is the weaving of classical music throughout. It felt like a new, many-threaded mix of fable, Lovecraftian/Victorian horror, and mystery. And you added enough complexity to make it worth feeling the tragedy twice. "Maybe I said too much." - brilliant foreshadowing.

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Loved this multi layered story. Unexpected , original, unconventional. Lots of creative inspiration here and unnerving too. Thank you for writing and submitting.

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Woah! I love to write to Vivaldi, the words come out faster than I can write. I love that it starts out as horror (almost horror adjacent as nothing is ever really seen) and then goes totally Dark Fae.

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So much complexity in such a short space! Mysterious also. The shifting of time periods and perspectives gives readers a lot of clues but are also amenable to many different interpretations.

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This was such a fascinating read! The moody, Gothic tone was AMAZING, and you wove the news articles and podcast clip in so seamlessly that at times it felt like I was watching an artistic film!

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